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  • Novella Wealth

Passion in your career

Updated: Aug 15, 2019

Today I had a very interesting conversation with a friend. She said: "Wow, you have a lot of passion for the work that you do."

Needless to say, it was such a wonderful compliment. It then got me thinking and talking about this: How many of us truly LOVE what they do for a living? I think I am very fortunate to have landed in the career in financial planning and in the

service industry. Solving problems and helping people is really my biggest driver in life; aside from my family, of course.

When new advisers come under our wings they are scared, they are worried, worried about how people might start perceiving them as just "sales people" and I get that. I know what it feels like to be the other end of that. Someone pushing hard to sell you something, maybe you need it, maybe you don't but you just don't like the feeling of being "sold".

So what sets apart "passionate" and "pushy sales"? I think it comes down to how authentic you are. Passion shines from a deeper place. It comes from the heart and soul of the person. The twinkle in your eyes when you talk about your work and the excitement in your voice when someone is talking about your work. Authentic passion cannot be faked, it cannot be clouded with lies. Do you truly love what you do? Do you feel your work is meaningful and impactful? It doesn't have to solve world hunger or world peace but does your work give you the electricity in your heart?

Passionate people in their work will help them persevere the lows and launch them to their next highs!

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