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  • Novella Wealth

Fun in the Sun: 3 Tips in being Successful

Updated: Aug 15, 2019

Last week was a blast! Wife and I got to travel a week away without the kids. Don't get me wrong, we love our kids, but definitely parents need to unplug once in awhile.

It truly takes a whole village to raise a child (let alone two), I am super grateful that we have the support of our families so that my wife and I could get away.

This was a work-pleasure trip; it is not a secret that in our industry when we do well, we qualify for conferences which usually takes us away to a different location. During this work trip, I realized things are definitely not handed to you. This lifestyle, this business requires lots of sacrifice and hard-work.

While I was having fun in the sun, here's 3 key takeaways I realized in being successful:

1. Willing to do what other's won't

If you're currently employed, what does weeknights and weekends look like for you? The typical person, I found, spends their time with family, at home, chores, going out with family/friends, join a sport and many other extracurricular activities.

These are all great "work-life" balance things and I'm certain we all need to find ways to wind-down or de-stress from a long days' worth of work. However, I found the most successful people work past these hours, it could be through a night course or doing side projects or investing their time in a new business venture or even hanging out at networking events. Everything is done with a purpose because they know they have very little time to waste.

Success is not overnight and it definitely does not come by doing what everyone else is doing, you must do something different and something other people would not be committed to do. Uncomfortable & hardships are the first stage towards being successful.

2. Don't give up at the face of adversity

Think back to your school days, what happened when you were stuck on a math problem? Some struggle with it and decides to give up and do something else. Some asks for help from their friends or family. Some simply cheats off a friend.

When we were young, school seems like the hardest thing in the world, but now looking back these "adversities" are nothing compare to challenges we face as adults.

Adversities are meant to be challenged and concurred! When others give up, you push forward and you find smarter people than you to help you and learn from them. Cheating/Shortcuts or running away are temporary solutions that will hurt more than help you in the long-run.

It is always not motivating at first because change creates unease but staying focus will drive you to success in the long-run.

3. Stay focus to the end goal

Finding focus in something you don't want to do is hard. I feel this first hand with my exercises. Staying in shape is difficult, there's more reasons NOT to do them than there are to do them. I constantly remind myself why I need to stay fit, it is important for me to be able to raise my kids and see them grow. I cannot do that if I don't take care of my body.

So now when I wake up early in the morning, I remind myself of my goal, which is something I feel passionate about and work through the pain. If my mindset is on how much I DON'T want to do the exercises then it would be much easier for me to give up.

Staying in the positive mind-frame and keeping the goal in mind allows me to find the strength and joy in pushing forward.

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